What is vodka made from?
The basic raw material for vodka production is grain or potato mash, i.e. raw materials containing starch. Of course, each nation prefers different processes - for example, Finland prefers vodka made from barley, Swedish vodka is made from rye and Polish vodka is made entirely from potatoes. But you can also find vodka made from grapes, rice or sugar beet. The source of the water used is also crucial to the quality of the vodka - premium brands use soft glacial or mountain water.
Preparation of basic vodka ingredients for fermentation
The vodka production process is not complicated. The basic ingredients are crushed into small pieces and left to ferment. It is important that the raw materials used contain both starches and sugars, which can be converted into alcohol by yeast.
In the case of cereals or potatoes, for example, enzymes must be added to the crushed mixture that can break down the starches into sugars. In contrast, malted grains (whether malted barley or wheat) are naturally rich in natural enzymes.
Distillation and filtration of vodka
The next step is to distil the vodka in distillation columns, separating the pure alcohol and water. It is typical for vodkas to be distilled several times, so we offer multiple rectification columns with any number of rectification stages on request. On our 5 to 8 stage columns, the intermediate product contains 80 to 95% alcohol.
The vodka is cleaned and diluted before bottling (we offer filter units including dilution).
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